Barcelona, March 15th 2023 – Jordi Blasco, CTO of HPCNow!, conducted two series of Slurm virtual trainings in February for Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre. Pawsey is the home of Setonix, which is the most powerful public research supercomputer in not only Australia but also the Southern Hemisphere.  

The training, given online, was offered in two main training series: Slurm Core Training, addressing new HPC users (beginning to intermediate levels), and Slurm Advanced Training, targeting users with deeper skills. 

Using a combination of presentation, live demo, Q&A, and hands-on, Jordi Blasco gave beginner Slurm users an overview of how Slurm works, the way it schedules jobs, wait times, the main priorities, and best practices. Hands-on sessions covered a number of topics, including running a job / step allocation using Serial, OpenMP, MPI, GPU and Hybrid. Hands-on sessions were well received by participants. 

Following the core training series, Jordi presented an advanced series of training to Pawsey users. Topics included topology aware scheduling, job profiling, multithreading, heterogeneous jobs, and checkpointing / restarts. Jordi used discussion and hands-on activities to delve into several topics in more detail, including job dependencies and workflows, and system information and job monitoring. 

As one training participant said after attending the core training series from Jordi, “I have more understanding of what I’m doing now, and thus able to scale far better.”

Slurm Workload Manager is essential for managing resources and it is used by a great number of supercomputers listed on the TOP500.    

The Pawsey Centre is a world-class high-performance computing facility accelerating scientific discoveries for Australia’s researchers. Named for Australian scientist Joseph Pawsey, known as one of the pioneers of Australian radio astronomy for his work in the field of interferometry, Pawsey is currently serving over 2000 researchers achieving unprecedented results, in domains such as radio astronomy, energy and resources, engineering, bioinformatics and health sciences.

The Pawsey Centre is an unincorporated joint venture of CSIRO – Australia’s national science agency, Curtin University, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University and The University of Western Australia.

The Australian Government supports the Pawsey Capital Refresh project through a $70 million grant. Pawsey is also supported by the Australian Government under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) through the Department of Education. The Centre would also like to acknowledge the support provided by the Western Australian Government and its partner organisations.

* Download the press release in pdf here


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